
Call of duty cold war zombies easter egg outbreak
Call of duty cold war zombies easter egg outbreak

There's more Dark Aether travelling to do, so let's keep going. Find Doctor Vogel's Diary How to find Doctor Vogel's Diary and the spectral reflections In the Particle Accelerator, use the crafting table in the middle of the room to build the Aetherscope.

  • Yard: Under the stairs on the left side, under the 'Los Angel' graffiti.
  • Particle Accelerator: By the small anomaly portal.
  • The order in which these parts appear is different each time, but the locations are always the same: This time, we're on the hunt for three Aetherscope Parts.

    call of duty cold war zombies easter egg outbreak

    Let's take another trip into the Dark Aether.

    call of duty cold war zombies easter egg outbreak

    Go ahead and grab the D.I.E Shockwave Wonder Weapon from the skeleton, you've earned it. Once you're able to interact with the machine again, remove the device to access the doorway. Ready to slay some more zombies? Now that the machine is powered up, lure the zombies towards it so it can suck them up like a big vacuum cleaner. Try to do this while zombies are nearby as the machine will stop working and need to cool if you take too long. To activate the D.I.E Machine, stand near the hole in the wall and press F. More specifically, you're looking for a hole in the wall that has a blue glow, opposite the stairs. This time around you need to find the Living Room on the ground floor. With the remote safely in hand, make your way back to the building in the Yard, where you first spawned at the beginning of the mission.Įnter the building, but don't head up the stairs and out onto the Crash Site like you did before.

    call of duty cold war zombies easter egg outbreak

    Lookout for the Weapons Locker and insert the keycard to retrieve the D.I.E. Let's backtrack to the Weapons Lab again.

    Call of duty cold war zombies easter egg outbreak