
Company of heroes 2 unlock all missions steam
Company of heroes 2 unlock all missions steam

company of heroes 2 unlock all missions steam

In single-player modes, the turn-based Italian Dynamic Campaign offers a sandbox-style gameplay experience with new levels of strategic choice, whereas the sweeping deserts of North Africa allow for a classic, narrative-led single-player experience. By freezing the action, players who choose to employ Full Tactical Pause will be able to coordinate all their actions at once, thinking through every move in detail without the pressure of doing it all in real-time.Ĭompany of Heroes’ renowned boots-on-the-ground storytelling will bring players to a brand-new theatre of war, unlocking authentic new tactics, four distinct factions, and a wealth of untold stories from World War II.

company of heroes 2 unlock all missions steam

New features like Full Tactical Pause offer gamepad players a level of tactical control over the pacing on the battlefield.

Company of heroes 2 unlock all missions steam